主題內容: MIT OSE 讀書會: 複習Lab3 與預習Lab4背景知識 (共90分鐘)
- 複習 Lab 3: Part A/B 及問題討論
- 預習 Lab 4: Preemptive Multitasking 背景知識
時間: 2012/05/29 19:30 ~ 21:00 (聚會在Mix Coffee &Tea)
分享者: Ben及與會者
- 報名前,請先參閱2012讀書會相關活動方式
- 以MIT OSE 2011 課程教材為輔及實際以Labs練習為主,來一同交流學習OS開發。
- Google網上論壇: 主題討論
複習上次實題及討論: (40分)
Lab 3 - Part A/B: Page Faults, Breakpoints Exceptions, and System Calls
預習實題: (30分) Next Topic (6/12) Lab 4: Preemptive Multitasking 背景知識
LEC 6: Virtual Memory Multiprocessors and locking
- Preparation: Read "Locking" with spinlock.c and skim mp.c; do Homework 5
LEC 7: Process scheduling
- Preparation: Read "Scheduling" up to "Sleep and wakeup" with proc.c, setjmp.S, and sys_fork (in sysproc.c); do Homework 6
LEC 8: Processes and coordination
- Preparation: Read remainder of "Scheduling"; read remainder of proc.c and sys_wait, sys_exit, sys_kill; do Homework 7
社群運作的下一步 (20分鐘)
- 議程討論 COSCUP Workshop
(本次活動會需要使用電腦實際上機練習, 請不要把notebook忘在家裡。)
(註1:活動時間 7:30pm 開始,6:30pm 開始入場。)